TDHCD Joins Movement to Shine a Spotlight on Fraud – International Fraud Awareness Week kicks off Nov. 12, 2017 worldwide

For Immediate Release November 9, 2017   For More Information Contact: TDHCD: Rachel Peters, (763) 398-4508 E-mail: ACFE: Sarah Hofmann, (512) 478-9000, ext. 324 E-mail:  TDHCD Joins Movement to Shine a Spotlight on Fraud International Fraud Awareness Week kicks off Nov. 12, 2017 worldwide Minneapolis, MN – Fraud costs organizations worldwide an estimated [...]

2017-11-09T14:27:37-06:00November 9th, 2017|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|

Your business, your salary

  As the owner of your business, you are the decider of salaries for your staff. That's true for your own salary too. While there is no one-size-fits-all formula for determining how much to pay yourself, here are two factors to consider. Regularly review and update your firm's cash flow projections to determine the salary [...]

2017-06-17T19:16:50-05:00December 12th, 2016|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|

“Everyone” is not your customer

Indiscriminately trying to sell to "everyone" can dilute your message, muddy your image, and waste your company's resources. To market effectively, you have to know your customers. Remember: Satisfied customers come back, and they generally refer others. Here's how to get started:   Think about your typical customers: ages, interests, gender, aspirations, and financial and [...]

2017-06-17T19:16:50-05:00November 28th, 2016|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|

Fight scammers the old-school way

  Scam artists are relentless in finding ways to take your money. But some old-school methods are still effective for protecting yourself. Here are suggestions.   Fortify your computer and your phone. Install anti-virus and anti-spyware programs and update your protection regularly. Consider firewall software to prevent unauthorized access. Change the password on your computer [...]

2017-06-17T19:16:50-05:00November 7th, 2016|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|

Beware of bogus charities

  Times of crisis, when others are suffering and you want to help most, is also when heartless fraudsters tend to strike. If you're planning a donation, watch for these signs that a charity isn't on the up-and-up.   The fly-by-night charity. Every legitimate charitable association had a start date, and some are still being [...]

2017-06-17T19:16:50-05:00October 26th, 2016|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|

Are you taking steps to prevent fraud in your business?

The 2016 Global Fraud Study released recently by the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners shows that asset misappropriation occurred in more than 83% of the cases reported. Asset misappropriation includes billing and check tampering schemes. According to the study, billing schemes were most common, comprising slightly more than 22% of the cases, and check tampering [...]

2017-06-17T19:16:51-05:00July 21st, 2016|Audit, Accounting & Forensic Services|
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